Regenerative Agriculture Services

Many people confuse sustainable agriculture with regenerative agriculture. Sustainable agriculture means growing food in a way that can be continued indefinitely without causing harm. Regenerative agriculture goes beyond sustainability by utilizing practices that actively add value to the environment and farmers.

Sustainability remains crucial and regenerative agriculture is a way to accelerate our transition to sustainable agriculture systems.By developing systems and training client team members, MTI creates processes that allow staff to complete surveys more efficiently and utilize what they learn to solve business problems, improve operations, more closely align with buyer sustainability programs, and tell their company’s sustainability story to both buyers and consumers.

Measure to Improve (MTI)’s approach to building regenerative agriculture programs focuses on achieving five core outcomes:

  • Farmer Livelihoods (Profitability)

  • Water Quality and Availability

  • Biodiversity

  • Soil Health

  • Mitigating Climate Change

Regenerative Agriculture

Why develop a regenerative agriculture program?

  • Regenerative agriculture goes beyond sustainability to actively improve the health of our planet and its people

  • A regenerative farm requires fewer inputs than conventional farms by allowing nature to do the work

  • Many growers are already using regenerative practices; they just aren’t identifying them as such

  • Produce buyers are increasingly focusing on buying regenerative agriculture products

  • Regenerative practices can improve growers’ resilience and improve profitability

Our Solution

Our Regenerative Agriculture Services is a customized program and approach to help clients identify where to start with regenerative agriculture by highlighting specific opportunities within their growing operation or supply chain.

What We Deliver

The program starts with a Discovery Phase to help clients understand where they are now and includes research, interviews, and surveys. MTI then conducts a Prioritization Phase to help clients identify where they are heading by identifying practices, opportunities, and solutions for advancement. The service wraps up with MTI delivering a Program Approach that outlines next steps, measurement, metrics, and collaboration opportunities for the client to formally implement a regenerative program.

  • Discovery Phase research, interviews, surveys, and summary

  • Program Approach identifying next steps, measurements, metrics, and collaboration opportunities

  • Prioritization Phase outlining opportunities and solutions